Saturday, September 13, 2008

Turning 8

So today we celebrated Isaac's 8th birthday. I can't believe how old he is getting. We had a small get together for him. It was lots of fun. Bro. Steve and Sis. Charlotte brought corn hole and Apples to Apples. If you have never played apples to apples you are missing out on a very fun card game. Sis. Jan from KY introduced it to us a couple years go, and we feel in love with it. And then you have Bro. Jimmy and Bro. Johnny,who can't stay away from the toys. As you can see from the video they like to bomb each other...good thing it doesn't hurt!!! I think they played with it more than the kids got to. Tomorrow is Isaac's real birthday. Weather premitting we plan on taking the boys to play putt putt. We are suppose to get the storms from Ike tomorrow. Lord willing they will go above us. But I guess we will just have to wait and see. Other than that everything has been going good for us. You might say a prayer for the brethren here. There seems to be a virus going around, and everyone is getting sick. Sis.Frankie and Sis. Stubby has been dealing with it the past couple days and tonight Jonahs, our middle child, voice had that sickness sound to it. So if you think about it please remember us in your prayers.