Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Crazy Time Of Year...But Oh So Thankful!!

I have been so busy at work these past couple of weeks. I can't believe how many last minute shoppers there are out there. I am the type I like to get things done early and get it over with. Are any of you last minute shoppers? This is the first holiday season I have worked in retail and it is just crazy. And these past couple days it seems like everyone has been in terrible moods. If they only knew what Christmas was really about, maybe they wouldn't be in such a bad mood. But anyways I am very thankful that I have a job. The people I work with are all pretty nice. And I get along with them all for the most part. I am excited about Christmas this year. Our boys are getting older and I would really like to start a tradition of reading the Christmas story with them on Christmas. So I am going to try and start that this year. With all the different family Christmas that each of us have, we decided that we are going to cook Chinese for our Christmas dinner with my husbands family. Last year we done it for Thanksgiving, so this year we decided we would do it for Christmas. Sis. Frankie has some really good recipes that we use. Plus that will give the kids (and big kids- Bro. Jimmy and Bro. Johnny) time to play with the toys before church.

I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. It seem like just yesterday it was January. But I have lots of good memories from this year. The Lord has given me many things to be thankful for this year. He has protected me and my family many of times. I pray that I can only be that much more of a servant for him this next year. I love you all, and I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Our Thanksgiving!!

What a great Thanksgiving we had. We actually started our Thanksgiving the Saturday before. We all got together and had a church Thanksgiving dinner. It turned out to be really nice. Lots of good visit. Then Thanksgiving day we went over to my families and had Thanksgiving with them. That was lots of fun. I got to see some of my family I haven't seen in a while. None of my family is in the faith, so you never really know how it will turn out. Especially with Christmas around the corner. We don't do the whole Santa thing and my family doesn't understand why. But it was never brought up and everything turned out to be really good. The weather was beautiful that day. The guys even ended up outside playing basketball. Then Friday morning I got up at 2:45 am and headed in to work. But by the grace of God it wasn't all that bad. Everything went really smooth. We didn't have any complaints, and customers were actually really nice. I was so thankful God blessed me that morning. Then that afternoon we done Thanksgiving with Jimmy's family. We had it our house this year. And it too turned out to be good. I have so much to be thankful for. The Lord is so good to us.

This is my grandma, Connie (my niece)
Ryah (my niece) and Noah