Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is There A House In Our Furture???

So we went Thursday afternoon and placed a offer on a house. Our realtor called us tonight and said the offer has basically been accepted and it just needed to be signed by us, but first she wanted to run a few more numbers. I am excited but scared all at the same time. First and for most I want to make sure that this is Gods will for us. Then with the way the economy is today any big purchase is scary. But if it's Gods will for us then I know he will see us through. The house would be perfect for us, and it's all one level....YEAH!!!! It has a nice size back yard already fenced in, which is what I wanted most for the kids. So as of right now all we can do is keep praying for Gods will to be done.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back To School...

So yesterday was Isaac and Jonah's first day back to school. You would think since Isaac is now a third grader and Jonah is a first grader it would be easier to send them to school. But I found myself still wanting to cry as they both climbed onto their buses. I kept myself busy all day yesterday trying to make the time past by faster. And as soon as the clock hit 2:30 Noah and I headed down to the bus stop. Jonah was the first one to get home. And yes of course he got off the bus with a huge smile on his face. Noah was so happy when he saw the bus coming he started jumping up and down. So then we waited for Isaac to get home. As we stood there waiting we talked about Jonahs day. He was so worried that morning that none of his friends were going to be in his class this year. So I asked him who all was in his class, and he said just about all the kids that were in his class last year. So then Isaac's bus comes around the corner, and of course he got off the bus with a smile on his face also. Once we got back home Isaac and I talked about his day. He has his same teacher from last year, and a lot of his friends from last year are in his class. They both said they had a good day, and that put a smile on my face. Oh how they grow up so fast!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Verdict Is In....

So we found out the sex of our little one today. We are going to be having another little boy!! A girl would of been nice, but boys are just as good. Plus everyone one says boys are so much easier than girls. And also we have everything for a little boy, so we don't have much to buy. So now we just have another 20 weeks to wait, till we can enjoy our new addition.