Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!!

So we finally got some snow...yeah!!! It started snowing yesterday afternoon, and didn't stop until this morning. We got like 9 or 12 inches. I am so excited. I have been wanting snow so we could take the kids sledding. I think if there is still enough we are going to try and go sledding on Saturday afternoon. The schools got cancelled today, so I called in to work. Plus Jonah was up early this morning with an up set stomach. So we didn't get much sleep. He finally got to lay down and take a nap after the other boys got up. When he woke up he said he felt all better. So I am thinking it was just a quick stomach virus. But I am so thankful that it quickly went away. There was a point this morning after like our third trip to the bath room that Jonah told me that he felt like he just needed to be prayed for. It brought a smile to my face to know that he knows who to turn to when you need help. And of course I got down and prayed for him. But anyways I got him to eat some lunch and everything was fine. So we all took a trip out to play in the snow. Noah was so tired that he would take a step and fall face first into the snow. He would come up with an all white face. He didn't really enjoy it to much. Next time I'll have to make sure he isn't tired. And then Isaac and Jonah just got out there and played. They tried to make snow angels but it was to deep for them. They would lay down in the snow and sink to the bottom. It was funny to watch them. But we had lots of fun, and I look forward to even more fun in the snow.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sis. Shannon

Well I just want to say hello to everyone. I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed day. May God be with you in everything you do and say.

Also I was going through my blog list of the sisters and Sis. Shannon came to my mind. Last I heard she was really sick. So I was just wondering as to how she was doing? If anyone knows please let me know.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Boys' First Basketball Game...

So today was the boys' first basketball game. I was excited to get to go and see them play, usually I would be at work. Sis. Frankie (Mamaw), Sis. Jackie, Bro. Johnny, Jada and JoHannah were able to be there also,which made the boys' day. They both played really well. You can tell they have never played before, but it was cute to sit and watch them play. Jonah is so funny! He lets the ball get a head of him while dribbling. And he runs with his hands above his head the whole time. Isaac does the same thing with letting the ball get away from him. And he has the more serious attitude about it. They both ended up losing their games, but they both walked away with smiles on their face. I am so proud of the two of them.
Also I got this video clip of Noah yesterday. It is so cute. He is going to be our future star...LOL!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank You God!!

So here lately I have been looking and reviewing bigger car seats for Noah. The one we have now has just gotten to small for him. So we had decided that on Friday when we got paid we were going to buy a new one. Well when we got home today from church our neighbor came over with one and said she was going to throw it away and thought about Noah. I couldn't believe it. God knows what we need and gives it to us so many times. I am so thankful, not only for the big things, but also for the little things that God does for us.

Also I ask that you all might say a pray for us. Our lease is up in April and we would like to buy a house. But we only want to do it if it is God's will for us. I want to do his will and not ours, so I ask that you might say a pray if it comes to your mind.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Then & Now....

As we bring in the new year it has brought so many good memories to me. I sit and look at my three children and I can't believe how big they have gotten . They are such a huge blessing to me. God has blessed me with a wonderful family. He has given me so much, and I don't deserve any of it. I came into the faith when I was 19 and I can't believe I wasted so many years before that. But I am so thankful that God called me to be one of his children. After four and a half years in the faith I can't imagine tyring to go through life on my own. And I am thankful that I have God to walk this life with.

Then & Now....