Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Day at the Park...

Today I took the boys to a park round here (Bro. Jimmy had to work). Mamaw, Aunt Krissy and Uncle Barry went with us too, I guess you can say they took us. It was so beautiful there. I love this time of year when the leaves are changing. We walked the paths, and the creek, then we let the kids play on the play ground for a little. It was so peaceful to be out there. When I was younger I would stay out at my grandparents a lot. They lived way out in the country. My cousin and I would spend hours just out walking and playing in the woods. We had so much fun as kids out there. And being there today at the park brought back so many good memories. Lord willing I hope to live out in the country one day. It is so awesome just to look around and and see all that God has created. How the simplest things in life can bring such joy and peace to us. God is so good to us. And I am so thankful that God would allow me this day with the kids, and family.

Isaac, Mamaw, Jonah, and Noah in the back